Roblox Old Animations Hack


Aug 28th, 2015
  1. Roblox Old Animations Hack No Human
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Hello Guys, I just want to say I hope you enjoy the video and this helps you out but also I just want to say I don't create these exploits.Downloads:Check Ca. '/e' Animations are animations triggered from a chat from any player. This works on every single place regarding anything but there is one requirement. You will need your privacy settings to be set off. Else why it won't work due to the hashtags. There are some I know and these are all I know. /e dance /e laugh /e point /e cheer.

  1. local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName)
  2. whiletruedo
  3. if child.NamechildName thenreturn child end
  4. end
  5. --local RemoteEvent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild('RemoteEvent')
  7. --RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(function(Class,Load)
  8. -- cam.CameraType = 'Custom'
  9. -- cam.CameraSubject = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
  10. --end)
  11. local Torso = waitForChild(Figure,'Torso')
  12. local RightShoulder = waitForChild(Torso,'Right Shoulder')
  13. local LeftShoulder = waitForChild(Torso,'Left Shoulder')
  14. local LeftHip = waitForChild(Torso,'Left Hip')
  15. local Humanoid = waitForChild(Figure,'Humanoid')
  16. local toolAnimTime =0
  17. -- new shat
  18. RightHip.MaxVelocity =0.1
  19. if speed>0then
  20. else
  21. end
  22. pose ='Dead'
  23. end
  24. function onJumping()
  25. end
  26. function onClimbing()
  27. end
  28. function onGettingUp()
  29. end
  30. function onFreeFall()
  31. end
  32. function onFallingDown()
  33. end
  34. function onSeated()
  35. end
  36. function onPlatformStanding()
  37. end
  38. function onSwimming(speed)
  39. pose ='Running'
  40. pose ='Standing'
  41. end
  42. function moveJump()
  43. LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.1
  44. LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(0)
  45. LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(0)
  46. -- same as jump for now
  47. function moveFreeFall()
  48. LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.1
  49. LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(0)
  50. LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(0)
  51. RightShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.1
  52. RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(3.14/2)
  53. RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(3.14/2)
  54. end
  55. function getTool()
  56. if kid.className 'Tool'thenreturn kid end
  57. returnnil
  58. for _, c inipairs(tool:GetChildren())do
  59. if c.Name 'toolanim'and c.className 'StringValue'then
  60. end
  61. returnnil
  62. RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(1.57)
  63. end
  64. if(toolAnim 'Slash')then
  65. RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(0)
  66. end
  67. if(toolAnim 'Lunge')then
  68. LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.5
  69. LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(1.0)
  70. LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(1.0)
  71. end
  72. local amplitude
  73. moveJump()
  74. end
  75. if(pose 'FreeFall')then
  76. return
  77. moveSit()
  78. end
  79. local climbFudge =0
  80. if(pose 'Running')then
  81. LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.07
  82. frequency =8
  83. RightShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.1
  84. amplitude =0.66
  85. elseif(pose 'Standing')then
  86. LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity =0.01
  87. frequency =.1
  88. amplitude =0.07
  89. end
  90. local desiredAngle = amplitude *math.sin(time*frequency)
  91. RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(desiredAngle + climbFudge)
  92. LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(desiredAngle - climbFudge)
  93. LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-desiredAngle)
  94. toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value
  95. animStringValueObject.Parent =nil
  96. end
  97. iftime> toolAnimTime then
  98. toolAnim ='None'
  99. else
  100. toolAnimTime =0
  101. end
  102. --game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  103. -- pose = 'Clawing'
  104. -- pose = 'Sleeping'
  105. --end)
  106. Humanoid.Running:connect(onRunning)
  107. Humanoid.Climbing:connect(onClimbing)
  108. Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(onFreeFall)
  109. Humanoid.Seated:connect(onSeated)
  110. Humanoid.PlatformStanding:connect(onPlatformStanding)
  111. -- main program
  112. local runService = game:service('RunService');
  113. while Figure.Parent~=nildo
  114. move(time)
RAW Paste Data

Roblox Animation Codes LEAKfilter_list
Roblox Animation Codes LEAK 11-27-2015, 12:35 AM #1

Wave -
Point -
Cheer -
Laugh -
Walk -
Jump -
Lunge -
Sit -
Barrel Roll : 136801964
Tilt head;283545583
Kickboard? : 160737244
Sit2? : 168138731
SCREAM1!1@3$: 180611870
take a dunki: 182724289
Lay down : 182749109
Happi Dance Walk: 248335946
FloatingHead: 121572214
BALLOON 02 : 148840371
SmellyRun : 30235165
BigSwordHit : 27441775
GOAL : 28488254
Trident Stab: 30704021
HoldStaff : 27758613
UpperCut : 28160593
scared : 180612465
StaffUp : 27432691
StaffSpin : 27763939
Partyanimate: 33796059
PimpSlap : 30188122
Dance : 27789359
TwoHandSwing: 32659706
TwohandSword: 27432559
BarrelThrow : 31020869
BearHug : 27432686
SwrdSwinJump: 32659699
WalkStaff : 27759788
Moonwalk : 30196114
SoccerWalk : 28440069
HeadThrow : 35154961
Beatbox..? : 45504977
Stanky Legs : 87986341
Taunt : 74901237
FrisbThrow : 174347769
BarrelRoll : 136801964
MaceSwing : 168801331
idek taunt : 168744201
GrenadeLoop : 168160500
FireBreath : 163209885
CymbalSlam : 162250536
Hold dat : 161268368
Bow Reload : 159934882
Hold dat 2: 225975820
Keyframeloop: 54144120
StartRest6 : 75416338
Roar : 75354915
SimpleSlash : 74799600
Summon : 93693205
ZombieAttack: 180416148
ZombieIdle : 183294396
Test1 : 54145508
Superman? : 160725720
Drink : 163203876
GravitySlam : 33169573
SoccerKick : 28458752
Slash : 28090109
SwordThrust : 32659703
Drink/Salute: 28492456
Trident Stab: 30704021
Fire Wall : 32326246
KickBack : 33686061
Chop : 33169596
Launch Hand : 33323745
TridentThrow: 30704030
Saxtest : 30257281
Slingshot : 33248324
Hornblow : 29349343
Throw : 28604759
StaffDuoHit : 27763344
FireRing : 32326245
Search this or any the other ones
(in string)
Change to one of the codes. Here's one.
So change the last ID of the linkish thing and then do /e cheer or whatever you did.

Roblox old animations hack apk

Roblox Old Animations Hack No Human

RE: Roblox Animation Codes LEAK 11-27-2015, 01:33 AM #2
If you're gonna copy and paste something from another forum, giving credits would be appreciated.
However, I don't think anyone here plays rococks roblox.

Roblox Old Animations Hack

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